Play SlitherlinkTry out Slitherlink puzzles and challenge yourself with various techniques and strategies.
AlpenglowExperimental WebGPU RasterizerAlpenglow is an experimental rasterizer that takes a scene description and efficiently produces a corresponding high-quality image.
Optimal Wordle SolutionsExplore decision trees with optimal strategies for the game Wordle.
ShapingBi-Directional Text Shaping in the BrowserText shaping (and font parsing) in the browser, with bi-directional shaping support.
TesseraceWebGL Path TracingWebGL-based experiment with fairly realistic light transport (dielectrics, metals). Includes signed distance field (SDF) shapes and procedural textures.
SudogSudoku Solving Assistant[2008, C++, Linux] Highlights common human-understandable patterns to eliminate candidates, using strategies up to swordfish/y-wing/coloring. Includes a command-line solver that outputs postscript or SVG step-by-step solution guides, and includes a GTK+/Cairo user interface for interactive solving.
SceneryHTML5 Engine for PhET Interactive SimulationsA 2D scene graph for HTML5 that can be used to display interactive graphics using Canvas, SVG & DOM, with partial WebGL support.